Welcome to Lilly Pilly

Supervised Children’s Contact for Parents and Families

At Lilly Pilly, we work with families to encourage positive interaction between children and their families and to support the strengthening of these relationships.
We believe every child has a right to spend time with their parents or significant other people as long as it does not affect their best interests.
We understand every situation is very different and there is no perfect solution to the time children spend with each of their parents.

All Lilly Pilly, staff put children’s needs first and do not take sides with either parent or any other adult involved in the visits.

Lilly Pilly’s aim is to always minimise a child’s exposure to conflict or unsafe situations.

Lilly Pilly works in close collaboration with the Federal Circuit and Family Courts, as well as State Child Safety and Community Corrections Departments.

Over time, and where possible and safe to do so, families are encouraged to move to self-management of their arrangements for spending time with the child.

Lilly Pilly’s on-site operating times are currently 8am – 4pm Monday to Thursday and 8am – 4pm Saturdays (including Public Holidays).

Our Services

Supervised Children’s Contact

Supervised Contact can also help with establishing a relationship between children and parents when there has been a period of limited or no contact.

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Changeovers at Venue

Lilly Pilly facilitates changeovers to enable the child to be transferred from one parent to the other at contact times without the parents meeting.

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Children’s Changeover Transportation

Lilly Pilly’s can offer transport to families for children to be picked up and taken to a visit and also dropped off back home after a visit

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Support and Referral Service

Lilly Pilly’s can provide separated parents support and information to help with their family situation.

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Latest News

The Lilly Pilly Maccas Changeover Routine for High Conflict Families:

The Lilly Pilly Maccas Changeover Routine for High Conflict Families:

 Drop off : 1. The parent for contact  / parent picking up arrives at the MacDonalds Restaurant atleast 15 minutes before child/children are to be delivered and waits inside the restaurant.  * Maybe arrive for time to buy a drink and chips to have at the ready to ease the childrens (and the paren...
The Contact / Communication Book

The Contact / Communication Book

At Lilly Pilly, when communication between parents is difficult, we encourage parents to start communicating with each other through the use of a contact or communication book.   Typically the child/ren carry the book in their bag between visits to each parent. It is preferable if it is a mediu...
POP – Parenting Orders Programs

POP – Parenting Orders Programs

What is a Parenting Orders Program? A Parenting Orders Program is the name of a post separation parenting program under the Family Law Act. It helps separated parents work out arrangements that allow parents and other family members to spend time with the children. Why go to a Parenting Orders Progr...
Parenting Orders – what you need to know

Parenting Orders – what you need to know

A parenting order is a set of orders made by a court about parenting arrangements for a child. A court can make a parenting order based on an agreement between the parties (consent orders) or after a court hearing or trial. When a parenting order is made, each person affected by the order must follo...